FL Studio: Learning with FLPs
Posted by Esteban Miranda on
Being a producer nowadays means having access to things many musicians didn’t have in decades past. We know that you no longer need to hire a studio, and can produce great music from the comfort of your own home with relatively little gear. Music production has become accessible in a way it has never been before.
But do you ever find yourself wishing your creative process was more efficient? Perhaps you find you are getting struck with inspiration, but then getting bogged down in your DAW, not knowing where to start, or how to get the ideas out of your head and into the real world. DO you find yourself wondering how the pros get their tunes to sound so polished?
Well, what you need to do if you answered yes to any or all of those questions, is look at ways you can improve your music making process!
There are a number of ways to do this, but today with flpstudio.com we will take a quick look at how you can learn in the best way possible.

FL Studio is one of the most popular and long standing DAWs out there, and is favoured by music producers the world over, from professional to novice alike. But with more people coming to music production as a hobby and pursuit, that means more people coming to learn.
But what is the best way to learn music production? Difficult question to answer, but why don’t we start with looking at the benefits of project templates to aid in your learning journey.
What is an FLP?

An FLP file is a FL Studio project file. This is the extension you’ll see when you save your projects, and it contains all the info in your composition.
As with many other DAWs, you can download and open FLPs in FL Studio from other sources, which is great for collaborating and working on tunes with others. But it’s also great for learning, and that’s where we come in!
The benefits of learning with FLPs.

Here at flpstudio.com, we specialise in creating recreations of some of the biggest tunes out there, and we do this in FL Studio so you can download the templates and get a detailed look behind the scenes.
Downloading an FLP from us gives you instant access to a professional grade deconstructed remake of a song. There is so much to learn about the beat making process; song structure, transitions, drum programming and more.
This is the perfect way for you to get your head around how a professional grade track is produced, mixed and mastered. Just download it and open it in FL Studio and start looking around!
With our FLPs you get the fully detailed track and recreated to a professional standard, just like the pro producers make them. This gives you a great insight into how a track is made. So if you’re struggling with anything from composition to arrangement, mixing or automation, you’ll find the answers hidden in our FLPs.
Our FLPs come in two options; Remakes and Templates. The Remakes are professionally made recreations of chart topping hits, and Templates are more generic tracks in the style of specific genres or producers.
The Remakes are a great way to learn how a specific track was made, and layered, mixed and mastered. The Templates are a great starting point for creating your own music, it gives you a good insight into how certain genres are made, or how certain producers in that genre put their music together.
These FLPs are a great way to learn music production. There are so many resources out there for learning music production, and finding one that doesn’t involve reading or watching videos, and actually getting your hands on a project file is the best way to learn. You get to dissect a track in as much detail as possible, and then use the things you learn in your own music.
As always, thanks for checking in with us here at flpstudio.com. All of our FLPs are on offer right now, so if you buy two, you get the third free! These are a really useful way to learn, so make sure you take advantage of this resource and get as much learning done as you can!